In the same issue as their article on travel by bike train, the Boston Globe also ran a
good piece about the Minuteman Bikeway by Shira Springer. It definitely made me wish the Minuteman was a lot closer to here, or that the bike paths close to home were a lot more continuous and developed. We have great access to the Muddy River bike path (it's pretty much right outside our ), but then you get dumped into the Fenway after a about a mile (which is useful, but not exactly relaxing). Heading the other way up the Emerald Necklace, you can get to Jamaica Pond, but after that you get stuck again. I wish there was a more continuous path that lead to the Charles and the shore, but I don't know if that'll ever happen. The Minuteman offers an 11-mile path, which seems like a good way to spend a pleasant afternoon. Without the car, I never ride my bike just for fun--bicycle is how I get from place to place, rather than just a way to get exercise or get outside.