I'm back and I got an award

I just want to say thank you to dazzler for giving me an award. It feels so great to have an award after not opening my blog for quite a long time. I've been so busy these past few weeks and I feel so guilty for not being able to post. so anyway, let's get down to the rules.
The rules are:
1. Link back and thank the person who tagged you.
2. Post seven things about yourself and answer the list of favorite questions.
3. Pass these awards to 15 bloggers.
4. Notify the lucky bloggers who got these awards.

so I guess I'll answer number two first, since I have to think about the 15 bloggers. Hopefully soon when I get some time. :)

7 things about me:

1. I am so in love with my family esp. my two kids.
2. I get nervous easily.
3. I always get hungry.
4. I have this bad habit of biting my nails.
5. I dye my own hair.
6. I am a moody person
7. I always sleep late.

that's it for now. will blog more, soon! :) thanks again to dazzler. :)