by Tom T Trackman
High school yearbooks are a major part of any high school experience. All students get a yearbook, making it one of the most universal features of high school.

by Tom T Trackman
For decades, there are some traditions that have been repeated. High school is filled with traditions, rites of passage that not many people willingly skip.

by Waz Zaman
Sheffield is one of the eight largest cities in England. The city of Sheffield is part of the English county of South Yorkshire.
The Truth About Fossilized Dinosaur Eggs
by Jesse Allaria
The truth is that Fossilized eggs are being hunted, hatch, studied, photographed and exposed to the world in an attempt to learn about our ancestors. The most important aspect of this activities is the fact that the world is finally starting to understand this lost species.
GPA Calculator - Know Your GPA
by D Macrae
A Grade Point Average Calculator allows students from all parts of the world to learn what their grade point average is. Many times a GPA calculator is used when applying to colleges or universities within the US. A GPA calculator can also be used when traveling abroad to different colleges.

Why Students Hate To Take Exams
by Miriam B Medina
Procrastination is the longest four letter word in the dictionary. So how does the public school system teach us to procrastinate? With loathsome practices such as homework, long term projects (like the dreaded science project), and oh yes, the universally hated Final Exam. All things that seem far off and distant then reward you for hurrying to get them done. So you end up cramming at the last minute for the exam because you forgot what was not pertinent on a daily basis.
The Creation of the Universe
by Paul Claybrook
Before the big bang, there was nothingness. There was no empty space and certainly no matter in it. It was not as if there was an empty universe waiting to be filled with matter.